Liz Haywood sits down with Lenka Porubska, owner of MMMore, in between batches of mint slices and choco raspberry cakes, to talk to her about her raw treats business, her new home compostable packaging and her hunger for creating a better world, one power cube at a time.

Home compostable packaging on MMMore power cube
Lenka Porubska typifies today’s foodpreneur. She started making healthy treats for herself in her kitchen. Her friends and family kept begging for more batches, and before she realised, she had lots of clients ordering every month. It was time to quit her job and do what she loves most.
MMMore is a premium raw food treats business making and selling delicious slices, cakes, power cubes delivered to your desk, café or local purveyor of fine foods. Her range is vegan and paleo-friendly from natural, ethically sourced ingredients that are free from gluten, dairy, refined sweetners and frustose.
LH: What are your business key values and how are you translating these into a health food brand?
LP: I want to create nurturing relationships with clients and customers. I want to grow with other businesses by working together and supporting each other. To also have complete transparency of our business, to show our customers what, how, why we create what we do.
LH: What is your vision for MMMore?
LP: MMMore has always grown organically, I want to go with the flow and grow with my clients. I don’t have a business plan, I have set no targets or sales volumes. I always have and will see where it takes me. My first clients are still my clients over three and a half years, so I must be doing something right. (she laughs).
LH: Lenka, what do you see as the biggest challenge facing the snacking industry today?
LP: I soon realised after starting MMMore that people are not very well educated on what makes a healthy treat. There is too much information out there, and it is conflicting and misleading. People must read the label and understand what they are reading.
LH: What is the best part of your working day?
LP: I love the early mornings when the staff get together have a coffee, talk about the day ahead, and give them a brief on what is happening.
LH: What do you do when you are not working on MMMore?
LP: I have a new puppy called Freya and spend time with her. I am very busy with the business and spend a lot time on it. I am learning how to relax and step away a bit, very slowly but I am getting there.
LH: What role does packaging play in your product and branding?
LP: Very important. Our product is all natural. We use only organic ingredients, no preservatives, no additives, it is a premium product and the packaging must give it a premium jacket.
LH: You recently launched your power cubes wrapped in our home compostable packaging. Why did you choose home compostable?
LP: Our business is very conscious of the environment, a lot of thought goes into how our business can protect our environment, something every business should be doing. I try to go organic in my business, to reduce our food waste. We will pay more to clean organically and reduce our foot print.
LH: What was the drive behind using home compostable packaging?
LP: I didn’t know that home compostable packaging existed, but I did know I wanted to go natural. All I knew is I didn’t want to use plastic packaging.
LH: What advice do you have for other food producers looking for home compostable packaging?
LP: I am still learning a lot about home compostable packaging and ecofriendly packaging. I met Peter and Nik at the Good Food Show, and immediately liked them as people, their business and their packaging.
LH: Are your customers talking about your compostable packaging?
LP: Yes, but there is a lot of confusion in the marketplace over home compostable packaging. We need to educate consumers about it and bring more awareness to environmentally friendly packaging, biodegradeable packaging, and home compostable packaging.
LH: Do you think home compostable packaging is a consideration when your customers purchase your product?
LP: Definitely, they expect it on a premium product. We sell to independent retailers and their customers are very aware of home compostable packaging.
LH: Thank you Lenka for taking the time to tell us about your business and home compostable packaging journey.
To see MMMore’s delicious raw treats, head over to her website – you won’t be able to stop at one!
MMMore uses our ABA certified duplex crafted paper home compostable film, wrapped on a flow wrapper – we have many compostable bags and packaging options right for your product. If you’re curious how home compostable packaging can work in your food business, contact us or call on +61 2 8882 9612.